| ** That noise gets irritating quickly and I really never needed to hear Miley rapping. The pre-chorus part that Miley sings is nice though. Juicy J is fine but it does get tiring listening to him and the other two talk about 'Js on his feet'. The video is pretty silly but I do love how Miley looks in the video. I also lol when she's sitting on top of the basketball hoop. Everything about this sounds like an attempt to create something really obnoxious, so I don't have time for it. Last edited: 23.05.2017 04:40 |
| ***** La partie chantée par Miley est presque un plaisir coupable en soi. Last edited: 12.04.2015 17:26 |
| ****** Miley wagt sich an's Rappen zusammen mit Bangerz-Produzenten Mike WiLL Made-It, und Rappern Juicy und Wiz. Gefällt mir sehr gut. Guter Beat, Produktion von Mike (We Can't Stop, Body Party, Pour It Up) gewohnt gut. Miley schlägt sich wacker, hat beim Rappen schon fast mehr Attitude als die 2 Flachpfeifen Juicy und Khalifa. Video ist auch sehr ansehnlich. Mir ziemlich egal was andere über Cyrus und ihre ,hust, "Hackfresse", hust, zu sagen haben, das Mädel sieht einfach gut aus.... Jedenfalls besser als Frisuren-Schwestern Jessie J und P!nk...<br><br>6-* Last edited: 26.09.2013 10:25 |
| ** I anticipate some glowing praise for this song, really the way to react to things like this is not with hatred but apathy |
| ** Quite a poor track. The inclusion of Miley Cyrus, 2 Chainz and Juicy J didn't help.<br><br>Oh, Mike Will is a person who made it. That makes much more sense now :P Last edited: 06.10.2013 18:22 |
| * really?!!! <br>So viele Artisten und alle kaken ab!!!<br>SchlimmSchlimm Schlimm...ich hoffe einfach das "Bangerz" von Miley nicht so wird! Wäre ja ein katastophales Album!!!<br>Wiiiiso musste Mike Will Made-It mit Miley zusammen arbeiten :O |
| ***** Le genre de morceau qui s'incruste dans notre cerveau au bout de quelques écoutes. |
| ** Das Album heißt "Bangerz"? Huch, ich dachte eher, das ist ein Hardcore-Porno-Filmchen, wo Madame ihre ganzen "Kumpels" drüber lässt. Nun ja, dieser Song hier wäre jedenfalls die perfekte "musikalische" Untermalung! |
| **** Eigentlich ja nicht viel wert, aber irgendwie gefällt mir diese Nummer trotzdem. Die Produktionen von Mike Will Made It klingen immer flüssig, Miley und die anderen rappen sich solide durch den Track. |
| *** Bitte nie Hardcore mit Miley. Das würde den Testosteronspiegel in nie geahnte Tiefen sinken lassen.<br><br>Der Song berührt oder stört nicht weiter, so dass eigentlich nur noch der Hinweis an einen der Vorredner bleibt, dass "artists" (falls man hier davon sprechen kann) keinesfalls Artisten, sondern Künstler sind :-) |
| ** Die Rapper geben der Miley sicherlich den einen oder anderen Joint schwach 1.75
<br><br>#11 in den Billboard Hot 100
Last edited: 03.10.2013 21:37 |
| ** Quite crap.<br><br>If there's anything good to say about it, the beat during the chorus can be catchy at times, and Wiz Khalifa fits the song quite well.<br><br>Otherwise, Miley's rap is shit (she sounds like Kreayshawn, which isn't a good thing), Juicy J didn't do much for me, and that irritating noise during the verses is freakin' annoying.<br><br>Miley's contribution to the song almost make this song worthy of a 1*, but I'll give it a 2* due to some of its slightly redeeming factors. Even if she does bring up the foam finger again in the music video.<br><br>PS - Michael Jordan shouldn't be proud of this song about him. |
| ** Quite bland really, Just in 1 ear and out the other :P |
| ** Whaaaaaaaaat!? |
| * Shit |
| ** Oh, I thought this thing was getting popular on its own merits which would have confused me but it's actually just on the thingy. *barbrady.jpg*<br><br>I suppose I should rationalise/justify my opinion though, I imagine it would be annoying if I didn't. So here goes!<br><br>I find it interesting how closely timed this is with another hit referencing *brand name removed*. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis had a hit with "Wing$" not long ago at all. If it had came after this (and also had been recorded after because we all know that "Wing$" is from 2011), you could almost consider it a reply to this song. In "Wing$", Macklemore tackles the social implications brought in by the consumerism which drives us to spend money on *brand name removed* shoes (sort of like a more specific "Thrift Shop"). It's an interesting view point.<br><br>"23" doesn't have a view point. Juicy J just says '*brand name removed* on my feet' over and over again. Not only is it such a combination of syllables and words to just sound goofy and cringeworthy (to me), but it's a major recall to his smash hit last year "Bandz A Make Her Dance". The rhythm and repetition is all there. He's probably the best part of this song, but the fact that "Bandz A Make Her Dance" exists means that I never have need to ever want to listen to this. Maybe they should've gotten Shaquille O'N***a. Last edited: 13.10.2013 14:51 |
| *** Enough promotion for these sorts of songs (providing the timing is right, which it clearly is), and this will chart easily. And so it has. Another case of the production being unfortunately decent because the rest isn't much. I dislike when I have the acknowledge the existence of these things. 2.5 |
| * Langweiliger, monotoner und abgrundschlechter Song!! Miley ist so peinlich im Video. |
| **** Look I honestly really wanted to hate this, but I just can't. Miley's pre-chorus(?) is great and the production is classy, and I'll probably get shot for saying it but I actually quite like the video. 4.4* |
| * Vreselijk. Vooral Miley Cyrus die denkt dat ze goed kan rappen.. |
| ** I do like the production, but everything else about this is just embarrassing. |
| * poor |
| * Kind of absolutely horrid. The video is even worse. Why is Miley endorsing smoking?? |
| ** Müll |
| ****** Great song !!! Go Miley !!! |
| * ▒ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.-. . . . . . . . . .``~., <br>. . . . . . . .. . . . . .,.-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-., <br>. . . . .. . . . . . ..,/. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :, <br>. . . . . . . .. .,?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\, <br>. . . . . . . . . /. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,} <br>. . . . . . . . ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:`^`.} <br>. . . . . . . ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:. . . ./ <br>. . . . . . .?. . . __. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :`. . . ./ <br>. . . . . . . /__.(. . .~-,_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:`. . . .. ./ <br>. . . . . . /(_. . ~,_. . . ..~,_. . . . . . . . . .,:`. . . . _/ <br>. . . .. .{.._$;_. . .=,_. . . .-,_. . . ,.-~-,}, .~; /. .. .} <br>. . .. . .((. . .*~_. . . .=-._. . .;,,./`. . / . . . ./. .. ../ <br>. . . .. . .\`~,. . ..~.,. . . . . . . . . ..`. . .}. . . . . . ../ <br>. . . . . .(. ..`=-,,. . . .`. . . . . . . . . . . ..(. . . ;_,,- <br>. . . . . ../.`~,. . ..`-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..\. . /\ <br>. . . . . . \`~.*-,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..|,./.....\,__ <br>,,_. . . . . }.>-._\. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .|. . . . . . ..`=~-, <br>. .. `=~-,_\_. . . `\,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ <br>. . . . . . . . . .`=~-,,.\,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ <br>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `:,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . `\. . . . . . ..__ <br>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`=-,. . . . . . . . . .,%`>-- ☺!!! |
| ****** goede singel |
| * This is a generic bad club song with the good bits taken out of it. |
| *** Guter Beat, aber sonst... |
| * This is what happens when 3 pieces of shit get into a recording studio together. Even being stuck in a cave full of Zubats and no Repels is better then this, actually maybe not THAT bad but still, pretty close. |
| ** Der Song ist nicht so besonders.<br><br>CDN: #26, 2013<br>USA: #11, 2013 |
| ***** Huge guilty pleasure here. I see why you all hate it and i agree that i should too but seeing as I know the whole song, i find it fun to sing with my other ghetto friends |
| ****** Terrible song |
| ** oweia |
| **** Peinlich aber gut. |
| ****** Volop 6 sterren. |
| * Grote flop. Alleen bekend bij muzikale kneuzen zonder enig verstand van kwaliteitsmuziek.<br>Mike Will Made It? Nou hij heeft niks klaargespeeld. |
| **** Ok |
| * Awful |
| ** Viele Köche verderben den Brei. |
| * I can officially say this is the worst thing Miley ever put her name to, I actually forgot about this travesty for about a decade! |
| ***** Geht ordentlich ab. |
| **** Interessante Zusammenarbeit. |
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