| *** Decent track. |
| **** "I wanna be drunk when I wake up <br>On the right side of the wrong bed"<br><br>ab und zu wohl ein böser Junge aufgerundete 3.5
<br><br>#63 in UK
<br> |
| **** Nice track. Not his best but another good effort from Ed. Last edited: 03.12.2014 13:46 |
| **** Such a great song. Ed Sheeran is so talented. |
| ***** super stimme und wirklich ein sehr talentierter songschreiber! |
| ***** Kommt super leicht Jason Mraz mäßig angenehm daher ... |
| ***** 5+, der beste Song von diesem Album Last edited: 31.01.2012 17:27 |
| ****** Runde Sache. 4*<br><br>EDIT: Hoch auf die 6*, der Song hat einen so tollen Groove, toller Text. Last edited: 29.02.2012 17:54 |
| ***** Great song, I don't love the lyrics as much as in some of his other songs, but the vocal is amazing and this has a lovely sound. |
| **** This is nice enough. |
| **** Sehr nette Nummer, gute 4*. |
| **** gut |
| ***** Once again a great song but imo not as good as Lego House but very catchy. UK#9 and Ireland#7. Last edited: 05.03.2012 15:50 |
| ***** Der nächste eindrucksvolle Beweis für die begnadeten Songwriter-Qualitäten des Ed Sheeran. Schön, dass man mit ehrlicher, handgemachter Musik noch Erfolg haben kann! |
| ***** On ne s'en passe plus au bout de quelques écoutes. |
| **** ...gut... |
| **** I've been skeptical due to the song title, but this showcases a more well-rounded vocal performance compared to other songs I've heard from this album. However my personal highlight is the vibe created by the backing music, it reminds me of some combination of Angus & Julia Stone's "Paper Aeroplane" and Lemmings, that's just too cool! |
| ***** Cool track. I don't know why, but Ed Sheeran could be viewed as boring but I have no issue at all with his music, and the relative same soundingness of many of his singles. I love the lyrics of this, he's a great songwriter and it's catchy. Also ideal for parties which is one thing it has on Lego House and The A Team. |
| ***** op deze leeftijd dit kunnen schrijven is Amazing |
| ****** Alweer prima popmuziek van deze Ed Sheeran. |
| ** Don't like him rapping at all! |
| ****** Awesome track, just like his previous ones, yet more interesting.<br>Funny video too. Last edited: 25.07.2012 15:59 |
| *** wenig überragend... |
| ** Can't bare to listen to this song anymore. |
| ****** Superb! A really good music video to go along with the song as well! 5.25*.<br><br>Even better now! 5.25* -> 6*. Last edited: 17.07.2012 13:33 |
| **** Überraschend flott, ja fast groovig und dabei trotzdem in keinster Weise der eigenen Musik zuwider handelnd. Mehr als ordentliche Nummer von Ed Sheeran, finde ich besser als "The A Team".<br><br>Edit (11.7.22): Da gehe ich runter von 5 auf eine solide 4. Kein schlechter Song, hat sich in den vergangenen zehn Jahren aber kaum in meinem Gehörgang festsetzen können. Last edited: 11.07.2022 19:27 |
| ** My dad got excitied about his performance on Graham Norton once, and suggested it to me. Now I know why I never watch that insanely annoying TV show. |
| **** ...schöner Song und singen tut ihn der Ed ja auch artig... |
| ***** Love It! Great song by Ed Sheeran i'm giving it a 5, it's an extremely nice track . |
| ***** Sheeran is een blijvertje. |
| ***** ▒ Geweldige track van de nu inmiddels 21 jarige Britse zanger en songschrijver "Edward Christopher Sheeran", uit begin september 2011 !!! Nog net 5 sterren ☺!!! |
| ***** Gek genoeg is de Remix van Rudimental helemaal niet slecht, maar toch ook zeker niet beter dan de originele versie. Kortom, lichtelijk overbodig in dit geval. <br>Maar stiekem toch leuk om naar te luisteren. De originel versie verdient ruim 4 sterren. <br><br>Edit: wat zou het ook... ik maak er 5 sterren van! Last edited: 05.09.2012 21:05 |
| *** Was my favourite of his before I heard Give Me Love. It's catchy but forgettable. Last edited: 01.03.2013 12:15 |
| **** Nice but not as good as Lego House and The A Team. Deserved a better chart run though. Last edited: 04.08.2013 03:40 |
| *** Geht. |
| * HASSE ES!! |
| *** Persoonlijk ben ik geen voorstander van deze single van "Ed Sheeran". Mij gaat het vrij vlug vervelen. Kleine radiohit in het voorjaar van 2013. Exact 3 sterren!! |
| **** Time for a decent mark for a decent song. |
| *** Uninteresting but tolerable. <br>No surprise that the alcohol loving Australia made this a top 10 hit. |
| **** Gefällt mir ganz gut. |
| *** Didn't do anything for me. |
| **** Eine von vielen Singles... und auch dieser Track ist ganz gut geraten. 4+* |
| **** Schöner Song. |
| **** Lässig, aber so toll nun auch nicht. |
| ***** Der hat einen Groove und einen guten Refrain. |
| **** ...solide vier... |
| *** kan er mee door |
| ** . |
| *** Durchschnittlich. |
| **** Geht in Ordnung. |
| **** Wie das meiste von ihm nett und gut anzuhören |
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